Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sun Protection

Sun protection is the last, but certainly not the least important step of basic skin care. In fact, it may be the MOST important.

If you do nothing else at all, use a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB. 
UVA is the long wavelength that causes skin cancer and aging. UVB is the short wavelength that causes sunburns.  Most sunscreens protect better against UVB.  SPF refers to UVB only.  Problems start when someone applies a sunscreen with a high SPF which blocks only UVB and then stays out for long periods of time.  This allows more time for UVA to penetrate into the skin, damaging skin cells and increasing your risk of skin cancer. 
Get in the habit of applying sunscreen daily, all year round, even on cold, cloudy days.  Choose a sunscreen that smells good and feels good so you don't mind putting it on.  Use it for your moisturizer.  When choosing a sunscreen, I think even more important than the SPF are the active ingredients.  I want to make sure there is zinc oxide listed which is the best block, in my opinion. It is a physical block, as opposed to chemical, and people tolerate it easily. Zinc oxide is now clear and might be listed as Z cote.  These cosmetically nice sunscreens are hard to find in a drug store. Plastics and dermatology offices and spas sell them. I sell a pretty big variety because people's needs are different, like acne prone skin and aging dry skin.
Antioxidants also play a role in skin protection.  Topical vitamin C and E have been proven to fight off free radicals which damages the skin's collagen, elastin, and DNA. They are not to be used as a sunscreen, but used along with sunscreen for added benefits.
Clothing obviously helps protect the skin against nature's elements. Tightly woven darker cotton hats and shirts are good choices.  You can also find clothing that has been treated and actually has sun protection in it.
I always tell people that you will still get some color despite all of these precautions plus just use self tanners and take care of your skin.
Hope this helps,

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