Sunday, February 5, 2012

"Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful" Sophia Loren said this. 

I think it's true.What makes you feel beautiful? 
Think about it.  Feeling beautiful needs to be inside your head just as much if not more than on your outer self. What makes you feel like you look good?  Mani pedi, new dress, Yoga? When you feel pretty, your mood is upbeat and your confidence goes up up up.

There are some tricks to making yourself more beautiful, even if no one but you notices more than a subtle difference.

I'm getting some of this from a cute little book, Things a Woman Should Know About Beauty. I thought of writing on this because it's that time of year when people are trying to improve themselves. Diet, and exercise are usually at the top of the list. Those are really important, but I have a few more suggestions to add the beauty list.

Have a make-up lesson. You can learn how you could accentuate your best features.  I would suggest you use an independent person for this rather than someone at the make-up counter. A make up artist that comes to your house isn't trying to sell you a bunch of make-up and they will probably be more honest with you. 

Clean out and organize your closet. Separate the clothes that you always feel good in and get the ones that are a struggle, never quite right, out. Rewear things that look good on you. No one remembers or cares except you. There are people you can hire that will help you organize your wardrobe.

 Ok, most of you know this, but in my business what we do helps people improve and feel better about their appearance. To start with, I give a skin care consult and make sure the person is on worthwhile products. I also suggest clinical treatments.  My favorite is Botox. Easy and quick improvement.
It is awesome to watch how Dr. Barton's surgical patients change how they feel about themselves. For us to see someone go through whatever it might be and then to feel better about themselves, feel beautiful, it is the best!!!

Men, don't feel left out. All of this, except maybe the make-up lesson :), can apply to you.  Dr. Barton and I have quite a few male patients. Feeling attractive and handsome is important no matter who you are. 

I'm going to get serious about exercise and clean out my closet. I am fired up!

Hope this helps,

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