Friday, February 8, 2013

Dr. Zen Obagi's New Line

ZO Health and ZO Medical

Zen Obagi has a new product line.
Dr. Barton and I have always been big fans of Obagi's original line, Obagi NuDerm. It is still a very effective skin care line. When I heard about Dr. Obagi coming out with a new skin care line, I couldn't imagine how he could improve or change an already great line.  Could his philosophy change?  
What he has done is use the latest advances in skin therapy technology. He is still focused on  aggressive therapeutic skincare products and treatment protocols.  The products just have different delivery systems, biotechnology complexes, and plant stem cell components.  The Retamax, which is his Retinol product is as strong as my tube of .1% Retin A. The micro emulsion technology, the bubble that carries the Retinol into your epidermis and dermis, is why I think it is so potent. 
I have to say that I think my skin had become too familiar with my good ole Retin A and so to change things up a bit really brightened up my skin.  With all the different products and the strength, it is taking us a while to figure out how to use them.  It is, of course, a little  different for each person....what they need and can tolerate.  The reps for the company have listened to us and had to change protocols because of the strength.  In fact, they are still not set, but we are using it and learning different ways to use it all.  
The ideal patient for the ZO Health and Medical, is the person that has used the original Obagi line for a while and can tolerate it easily.   
If you are interested, call our office and we can schedule a consult.
Hope this helps,

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