Friday, May 17, 2013

UV Protection

What is the latest when it comes to UV protection?
The most important types of products to protect your skin are, obviously,  sunscreen and antioxidants.
Everyone needs protection.  So what should you look for to find the right products?


There is no use in buying a sunscreen with an SPF over 50.  The FDA is limiting the SPF value to 50 because there is not sufficient data that shows values higher provide anymore protection.  SPF 50 provides 98% protection for basically 2 hours.
You should wear a sunscreen with at least a SPF of 30 which gives you 96% protection. SPF 50 provides 98% protection.  Protection is for basically 2 hours so reapply!

Did you know that sunburns are radiation burns.  A burn causes DNA damage leading to skin cancer.

SPF applies only to UVB.  PA applies to UVA.
UVB causes sunburns, tans, and skin cancers
UVA rays penetrate into the deeper layers of skin causing skin aging, wrinkles, and skin cancers.
Up to 90% of skin changes can be attributed by sun damage.

Which are the best sunscreens? 
 I prefer the physical sunscreens, rather than chemical.  The physicals bounce UV off and the chemicals absorb.
Read under the active ingredients on the box for Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide.  These are the best blocks. 
Find a sunscreen that smells nice and feels good, so you are more likely to want to apply it daily.


What are Antioxidants?  How do they help with protection?

To get technical, antioxidants are molecules that inhibit oxidation of other molecules.  Oxidation reactions produce free radicals. These free radials start chain reactions and when this occurs in a cell, it can cause damage as in skin cancer.
Antioxidants that are absorbed well enough to be effective are expensive to manufacture.  Vitamin C, one of the most researched, is difficult to keep in a stable state. You will often find the product in a dark bottle in order to keep it stable. 

Which are the best antioxidants?
The best antioxidants are Skin Ceutical's C&E Ferulic & Phloretin CF.
Also, Skin Medica has Essential Serum and Vitamin C&E
Obagi's lines (NuDerm & ZO) have worthwhile antioxidant products, as well. 

For the best protection, apply both the antioxidant daily and then your sunscreen. 
The two together will give you the best protection for your skin.
 Next, put your hat on!

Hope this helps,


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